Toyota Prius reviews on Love Wheels
Clive Anderson (TV Presenter): TV Presenter of Whose Line Is It Anyway owns what he calls 'half car half milkfloat'.
Cameron Diaz (Actress): Environmentally right-on hair-gel Diaz has driven a Prius since 2001.
Larry David (Actor): Curb Your Enthusiasm star and Seinfeld producer Larry David drives a silver Prius. He's on his second - his first he donated to an environmental charity.
Danny DeVito (Actor): Little big man DeVito star of Taxi drives a hybrid Prius.
Penelope Cruz (Actress): When with Tom Cruise Penelope enjoyed big C Class cars, but since she has bought the Hollywood A-listers’ green car of choice.
Emma Watson (Actress): Harry Potter's friend Emma's first car was a silver Prius.
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